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Soteria Staff Shares

What the pastors' wives are reading, listening to, and discussing right now

Laura Pals


I have been loving The Bible Recap this year. Every day a new podcast is posted. It tells you which chapters of the Bible to read and then you can listen to a 7-10 minute recap of the chapters. Tara Leigh Cobble hosts the podcast each day and she does a great job of providing context and an explanation of the text. There are articles, videos and other resources linked in each podcast for those who are interested in diving deeper. These resources also help to provide clarity and perspectives for texts that are more complicated or can be easily misinterpreted. One of my favorite things TLC says often is, “Don’t shout where scripture whispers and don’t whisper where scripture shouts.”
The Bible reading plan is in chronological order, which is extremely helpful during the old testament readings!

Leah Dietrich


I have been loving The Bible Recap. It’s a chronological Bible reading program that has a five minute recap for each day where the focus is: “where do we see God or “the God shot” in this reading. I’ve been doing it with Aliza and Lucy and they love it! The recap videos are all on YouTube.

Lori Ward


I have enjoyed and been challenged by studying the book of Revelation at Bible study Fellowship (BSF) this fall. Revelation 4 has captured my heart. Imagine John’s vision peering into the throne room of heaven, with its beauty, size and all that is going on there. Still, his vision is filled with the throne and “someone seated on it.”  (Rev 4:2b)

Our study guide referred to the throne room as “God’s Majestic control center”.   God sits on His throne without rival and will complete every detail of His plan to redeem his people and restore His creation.

Revelation 4:8-11 addresses the continual worship occurring in heaven. God is creator and He alone is worthy to receive glory, honor and power.  That should continually be my worship as  well.

Liz Augsburge


Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra

Recently, I enjoyed reading Social Sanity in an Insta World. This book does a great job discussing how social media can be both a delight and a disaster for women who want to love God and love others. I found this book to be both practical and convicting!

Londa Crigger


Sharon W. Betters

I was greatly encouraged after reading Aging with Grace: Flourishing in an Anti-Aging Culture. The authors encourage women to embrace the transforming power of God’s grace at any stage of life. The book is full of biblical and present-day stories of women who rediscovered gospel-rooted joy later in their lives. “The Gospel is big enough, good enough, and powerful enough to make every season of life significant and glorious.”

Linda Kaufman


I have used the 1 Year Daily Audio Proverb podcast which is  a 5 minute a day reading from the ultimate book of wisdom. A different translation is used each day as Proverbs is read. This has given me a greater insight and understanding of Proverbs. It’s like a reference manual on family, friendships, marriage, character, speech…and just about everything in life I will face! It’s a guide to show me how I can honor God and others by living wisely and choosing the fear of the Lord.

It is my prayer, that through daily reading the Proverbs and through the power of the Holy Spirit, I will continue to learn to fear God and use this wisdom to change the way I live.
God invites you too to learn wisdom and the fear of the Lord through the book of Proverbs!
Proverbs 2:2-5 “If you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.”

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Listen to our podcasts for helpful prayer tools, Scripture readings, and moments for meditation throughout your week.

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