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Capital Campaign: Building Beyond Walls


Serving is a tangible way that we demonstrate the love of Christ, both within and outside our church walls.

Whatever your gifts, talents, or abilities, there is a place for you to serve at Soteria!


Create a safe, welcoming church environment.

  • Safety Team
  • Greeters & Ushers
  • Facilities Team
  • Mowing / Landscaping
  • Resource Center
  • Cafe
  • Events
  • Welcome Desk


Provide gospel-centered care and support for those in our community.

  • Care Team
  • Foster Adopt Ministries Closet
  • Prayer


Enhance our weekly worship services through the creative arts.

  • Graphic Design
  • Photography
  • Worship Team
  • Production Team


Help build a firm foundation for the next generation of Christ followers.

  • Kids 4 Truth
  • Soteria Kids
  • Soteria Students


Spread the good news of the Gospel in our local and global communities

  • Foster Adopt Ministries Closet
  • Outreach
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