Easter at Soteria
Come to church with us this Easter
You’re Invited!
Easter Weekend
Good Friday
Friday, March 29 • 5:30, 7:00pm
Easter Extravaganza
Saturday, March 30 • 10:00am–12:00pm
Easter Services
Saturday, March 30 • 5:00pm
Sunday, March 31 • 8:00, 9:30, 11:00am
Easter's Impact
From the invention of the printing press to the discovery of penicillin, human history has been altered time and again.
But there is one event that towers over the rest: the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
His resurrected life changes everything. Prisoners are liberated. Orphans are adopted. Debts are paid. The dead are raised. Slaves are freed. Sins are forgiven.
In short, lives are changed.
And a risen Savior accomplished it all. That risen Savior is still accomplishing it today. And He invites you to join Him in true life.
At Soteria Church, we want to introduce you to Him. Easter is a celebration of all that Christ has done for us. And so we invite you to join us for church on Easter Sunday. We would love to celebrate new life in Christ with you.