The Bible teaches us about what belongs to God. Consider what God has done with what belongs to him. The biblical teaching on giving involves stewardship or managing, what God has given us. In Luke, Jesus teaches us that God entrusts us as his stewards of what is temporary to provide for what is eternal. We give because we acknowledge that God is the owner of all things and our actions can best align with God’s will. We also give because it sets us apart from non-believers in how we manage our resources.
What is the Tithe principle?
The word tithe simply means 10%. The concept is found throughout the Bible. For New Testament Christians the giving principle is based off of generosity. However, because of the prevailing nature of the tithe principle, we believe 10% is a good goal and a good starting point for generous giving. God loves a cheerful giver!
Where Does Our Giving Go?
We give generously because we have received infinite generosity but we never want to forget that giving does not improve our status and certainly can’t save us. As a church, the congregation under the leadership of the pastors, allocates funding both inside the walls of Soteria as well as outside the walls of the church.
The primary purpose of our church, like any other, is to minister to our members. We make more and better disciples through ministries that strengthen and equip our members. This represents approximately 75% of our current budget.
We also recognize the biblical principles of helping other believers in need. That’s why 25% of our budget goes outside our walls to advance the gospel through local missions, international missionaries, church planting, and other ministries.
Specific Funding Opportunities
Membership Ministry
Our membership ministry represents the bulk of our work each and every day. From the building where we gather on Sundays and Wednesdays and the facility needs that serve nearly 1,000 people each week, to the staff and resources that equip each member for their own ministries inside and outside their homes, your regular giving strengthens our members walk with Christ.
As with any growing and diverse church, members suffer from sickeness, death, job loss and other challenges. Our responsibility as a body is to lift one another up in these times. That’s why the Helping Our People Endure fund provides help for temporary needs.
Adoption Fund
At Soteria, our heart beats for adoption. As adopted sons and daughters of the living
God, we encourage members to consider adoption. The fund provides partial funding to support adoptive families if they are called to adopt a child into their home.
We take seriously the command to go and make disciples here, there, and everywhere. While our primary mission is to make more and better disciples through our local church, we support local missions that advance the gospel particularly those that support women and children’s physical and spiritual needs. We support several international missionaries who carry the gospel into the least reached areas of the world. And we support outreach to the unevangelized in our city and region.
If you would like to learn more about giving to or participating in one of these funds, please contact a member of the deacon team.