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SubZero: Conference Edition

Friday–Saturday, February 2–3
Saylorville Church

High School Students, join us for this year’s re-configured SubZero Winter Conference!

This year’s conference will be at Saylorville Church in Des Moines on Friday, February 2 and Saturday, February 3. Students can either meet at Soteria to ride with the group or meet at Saylorville. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to grow in God’s Word, build stronger friendships, and get equipped to represent Jesus back home. This year’s speaker is John Nemmers, lead planting pastor of Eden Church in Des Moines. In addition to 3 awesome sessions, students will enjoy  activities throughout the weekend including dodgeball, basketball and volleyball tournaments, games, trivia, and more!

Cost for the SubZero conference is $40 and includes all sessions and activities, a snack Friday night, lunch and dinner Saturday, and a SubZero bag and sticker. Sign up today!

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