Why We Saturate Our Service With Prayer Resources Why We Saturate Our Service With Prayer If you go to seminary, you’ll learn how to teach, administrate, diagram Greek, organize a…soteriachurchMay 4, 2022
What our team is reading, listening to, and discussing right now Resources What our team is reading, listening to, and discussing right now See what the Soteria staff is reading📖, listening to🎧, and discussing🗣 this April! Get book…soteriachurchApril 6, 2022
Psalm 122: Gathering with Gladness Resources Psalm 122: Gathering with Gladness Last month, Pastor Zach began a new series of short family devotions that you can…soteriachurchMarch 30, 2022
Why We Begin With a Call to Worship Resources Why We Begin With a Call to Worship As my family watched parts of the Winter Olympics, I realized how easily I can…soteriachurchMarch 23, 2022
Measuring Success in Student Ministry Resources Measuring Success in Student Ministry Do you have a favorite menial task? I find mowing the lawn to be especially…Alyssa HathcockMarch 9, 2022
Soteria Staff Shares Resources Soteria Staff Shares IN THE NEWS: “RUSSIA WILL NOT BE SATISFIED WITH UKRAINE” If you’re looking for a…Alyssa HathcockMarch 4, 2022
Why Memorize Ephesians Resources Why Memorize Ephesians Recently, I heard a news story about a sketch purchased at a garage sale for…Alyssa HathcockMarch 3, 2022
Supper Table Psalms: Psalm 121 Resources Supper Table Psalms: Psalm 121 Pastor Zach will write a new series of short family devotions each month that you…Alyssa HathcockFebruary 22, 2022
Why We Meet on Sundays Resources Why We Meet on Sundays Walking through the crisis of 2020 caused everyone to reevaluate life, habits, and practices. Churches…Alyssa HathcockFebruary 21, 2022
St. Valentine Resources St. Valentine Cheap candy, courting, chubby cherubs, charisma, cringeworthy clichés, and candlelit cuisine. Too many people only…Alyssa HathcockFebruary 14, 2022