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Discipling women to better know and love Christ

Want to grow in your faith alongside other women?

We’re not meant to live out our faith alone. As followers of Christ, we’re called to encourage each other, walk together, and grow in love for one another.

At Soteria, you can grow in your love for God and develop meaningful relationships with other women through worship, Bible studies, small groups, and other events. Contact Liz Augsburger to get connected with our women’s ministry!

Email Liz

Facebook Groups

Women of Soteria Facebook Group

Seeking a place to collaborate with other women of Soteria? Our Women of Soteria Facebook Group is open to any woman curious about Soteria or looking to connect with others involved in Soteria. In this group, you’ll find Bible reading plans, information on Soteria events, inspiration from like-minded ladies, open forum for discussion, and more! Join us at the Women of Soteria Facebook Group and don’t forget to check out our book club!

Women of Soteria

Soteria DSM Moms' Facebook Group

Our private Soteria DSM Moms’ Facebook Group provides a place for Soteria mothers to support each other in their journeys through faith, motherhood, and marriage.

Soteria DSM Mom’s Group
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