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Soteria University

Soteria University is our adult education program that explores the Bible and Christianity on a deeper level.

Jesus gave his followers the mission to make disciples, and in order to make disciples, Jesus said we must teach people to observe all that he commanded. Thus, one aspect of discipleship is lifelong, ongoing learning. No one will ever be able to say in this life, “I’ve learned to observe all that Jesus commanded.”

The goal of Soteria University isn’t just head knowledge; the goal of instruction is love (1 Timothy 1:5). Jesus summed up the whole Christian life like this: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength…and love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:30-31 CSB).

The goal of Soteria University is to help students love the Lord with all their mind, heart, and strength.

Winter at Soteria University


Cycle 1

January 15–February 26

Learn Together

March 5 (Joint class for parents and teens)

Cycle 2

 March 26–May 14

March 12–19: no class

Starting Point

Steve Cox • Room 108 • 6:45 pm

If you are new to Christianity or Soteria, this is the class for you. At Soteria, we believe your worldview influences your thoughts and decisions for all of life. We want you to build a strong biblical worldview that will allow you to confidently answer questions like: Where did we come from? Why are we here? How should I live? Starting Point takes us back to the beginning and builds the biblical foundation every one of us needs, whether you’re new to Christianity or have been a Christian for 50 years.

Revolting: Uncovering Sin’s Dark Reality

Josh Smith • Room 101 • 6:45 pm

In this class, we delve into the depths of sin’s revolting nature in both senses of the word. Sin is revolting in its offensiveness, marring us and making us unclean before a holy God. Yet sin also makes us revolters—active participants in rebellion against our Creator. By exploring how sin corrupts both our character and our relationship with God, this study aims to illuminate the gravity of our condition, the consequences of our rebellion, and the profound need for redemption. Join us as we confront the revolting reality of sin and discover the path to redemption.

Simple Habits for a Strong Marriage

Pastor Mike & Liz • Auditorium • 6:45 pm

Join Pastor Mike and Liz as they reflect on successes, failures, laughter, tears, and many of the habits that have shaped their marriage and home. Whether newlyweds or a seasoned couple, this class will equip you with simple habits for a strong marriage.

Everyday Gospel Conversations

Rod Brace • Room 108 • 6:45 pm

Sharing the gospel doesn’t have to be intimidating or reserved for special occasions. In this class, we’ll explore how to weave the good news of Jesus Christ into your daily interactions naturally and authentically.



Finally Home: A Study About Heaven

Lorne Scharnberg & Mark Weatherly • Room 102 • 6:45 pm

What is heaven like? Are streets made of gold? Will there be animals in heaven? What is the relationship of the millennial kingdom to heaven? Join Lorne as he explores deep biblical truth about heaven, our final home.

Quieting a Noisy Soul

Pastor Monty & Pastor Zach • Room 105 • 6:45 pm

This class, based on a curriculum by Jim Berg, will explore how to overcome guilt, anxiety, anger, and despair. The quiet rest and joy promised by the Lord Jesus can seem illusive, and almost impossible. Yet His words still beckon to us: “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Cost: $10/person

Praying Together

Walt & Zelda Davis • Pastor Mike’s Study • 6:45 pm

Soteria wants to follow the example of the church in Acts that met together to pray. Join Walt and Zelda Davis for a time to spend time in praise and prayer, share prayer requests, and be encouraged in your own prayer life.

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