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Creation, Chaos, and Christ

Book list from the Genesis series
Mike Augsburger

This list is as complete as I can make it without spending an entire day working on it! These are the main resources I used for the Genesis series. I also completed hours of reading from some online sources that I didn’t bother to document, notes from classes, articles from friends and other materials I’ve collected through the years. Most of my print and spoken material came from these books and websites. I pray this is a help to those who are seeking to learn more about this marvelous book of Genesis!


(books that explain the biblical text verse-by-verse)

The Bible Knowledge Commentary by Walvoord & Zuck – A two-volume set that covers the entire Bible. I think every believer should have a copy of this at home for quick and simple explanations of every text of Scripture. 

The Genesis Record by Henry Morris – An excellent commentary written in a narrative fashion. He is a creation scientist and includes both scientific and devotional elements. 

Genesis by Anders, Brammer & Gangle (Holman Commentary Set) – A simple commentary for preachers and teachers. 

Genesis by John Walton (NIV Application Commentary Set) – A blend of technical and practical. It walks through the text, and then applies the text. 

Creation and Blessing by Allen P. Ross – He is the author for the Genesis section in The Bible Knowledge Commentary. He expands upon his work in this volume. 

Genesis by Derek Kidner – A technical commentary. Kidner is a prolific and respected writer in the Old Testament field. 

Genesis 1:1-11:26 by Kenneth A. Matthews (New American Commentary Set) – A technical commentary. 

The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Volume 2 by Gaebelein & Sailhamer – This does a great job of giving summarized overviews of the flow of the texts. Both authors are well-respected Old Testament scholars. 

Creation to Babel by Ken Ham – A great commentary to read with your family. It is narrative, explains the text, and has relevant applications.


(books on specific subjects dealing with issues relevant to Genesis)

The Early Earth by Ken Ham – This book handles the big issues of Genesis 1.

One Blood by Ham, Wieland & Batten – A biblical case against racism. 

The Lie: Evolution by Ken Ham – A great book for teenagers and above. It handles major issues in creation and evolution and gives helpful answers.

The Genesis Solution by Ham & Taylor–This book connects Genesis to major worldview issues 

A Different Shade of Green by Wilson – A fascinating presentation of environmentalism from a Christian perspective. Written by a scientist. 

The Genesis Flood by Morris & Whitcomb – Written by two scientists, this book was the trailblazer in the creation science field. It’s a defense of the biblical account of the flood based upon what we see in the world around us. 

Recovering Biblical Manhood & Womanhood by Piper & Grudem – A thorough treatment of gender roles as taught through Scripture.


I have to mention the following, because it is continually helpful to worldview.

The Briefing by Albert Mohler

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