2024 Missions Trip
On a highly anticipated mission trip, a team of 17 Soteria students, young adults, and chaperones set off on a journey that would prove to be life-changing. Our destination was Lima, Peru, and our mission was to lend support to the work of our Soteria missionaries and uplift their church community. The outcome? Our comprehension of the phrase “go and make disciples” was greatly broadened.
The work began on Sunday morning, as our group eagerly pitched in to assist Iglesia Vida Nueva Sol de La Molina, a church that has been a mobile congregation for over a decade. Despite the weekly setup and teardown routine, the joy and enthusiasm exuded by their church family was infectious. They drew our team into their close-knit community filled with warm introductions and hugs. Cloe Crigger reflected, “It was amazing to see and be a part of the church down in Peru. I loved meeting the church family there. It was so sweet to see God’s faithfulness through the people!” Our team also enjoyed participating in fellowship after church, during which the sweet church ladies served generous slices of delicious cake.
Sunday evening found us with the church family again, ministering and serving in small groups. Our team jumped right in, giving testimonies and playing games with the children.
Throughout the week, our team engaged in various acts of service, from aiding a single mother in building a wall to transform her home to include a one-bedroom apartment to partnering with a Christian hatmaker. We witnessed firsthand the bonding power of faith in Christ despite the language barrier. Working together and serving our Christian brothers and sisters in Peru was a joy.
One poignant moment unfolded when our team joined forces with Happy Steps to provide children in need with new shoes, a simple yet profound gesture that exemplified the essence of a Christlike servant’s heart. Pastor Jared shared the Gospel with the children and many of their moms before our students washed each child’s feet and placed clean socks and new shoes on their feet. Lydia Black reflected, “I loved the opportunity I got to help with Happy Feet. Washing and giving those children new shoes and seeing their eyes light up with joy was so rewarding!”
We also really loved spending time with our missionary families. While we went to be an encouragement and help to them, we found ourselves being encouraged and challenged to pray for them and to stay connected to their ministry in Peru. Lydia Hakes reflected, “I really enjoyed helping out the missionary families with the little things they needed done around their homes. I enjoyed being a blessing to them in those ways!”
Amidst our activities, our group also enjoyed time with the Ambassadors Football Club. Our students participated in practice drills and shared testimonies with the players. We also enjoyed watching the Ambassadors play and win in a tournament game!
Our last Sunday night with Iglesia Vida Nueva Sol de La Molina was an extremely special, touching time together. It was the culmination of our eight days together, where we’d experienced so many cultural differences and language barriers, yet we came together to worship the same God. Several musicians on our team combined with their worship team to lead the music, singing in both English and Spanish throughout the evening. We were blessed to hear their testimonies of the goodness of God in their lives and to share how God was at work in our lives, as well. McClain Crigger reflected: “One thing that stood out to me was the loving and caring people at the church in Lima. You could tell on the day-to-day that something was different with the people of the church– they knew who Jesus was, their joy to serve and to help in any way was so encouraging, as well as their confidence to share who Jesus was. Their dedication to the Gospel of Jesus was clear and very encouraging!”
Pastor Jared had our group reflect on our experiences on our last night together in Peru. It was beautiful to hear our students express gratitude and joy for the connections made, favorite serving opportunities, and how their lives were touched during our time in Peru. From engaging in friendly soccer matches to helping out in Sunday school and witnessing the transformative impact of simple acts of kindness, each one of our students found joy in serving and being a part of something greater than ourselves. Olivia Welch shared, “I had a lot of fun playing soccer (my favorite memory probably being Americans vs. Peruvians that first Sunday night and playing capture the flag) and getting to know the missionaries and the Peruvians. I also really liked helping out – especially with the kids in Sunday School and at Happy Steps. The worship night was also really special!”
As our missions trip turns into a cherished memory, we are grateful for the strong bonds that were forged within our team, the positive impact on both our lives and the lives of our newfound Peruvian friends, and for the enduring memories that will forever remain in our hearts, all for the glory of God.